Colorado Mesa University's Health Sciences Clinical Education Center (CEC) is comprised of five flexible skills labs, one home lab and five state-of-the-art simulation labs. The CEC offers students the opportunity to learn and practice health science skills in a safe, non-threatening environment before going into clinical settings.
CEC Staff
CEC Coordinator: Lynn Duncan, RN, MSN; 970-640-9146
CEC Simulation Tech: Shauna Nagy; 970-248-1157
Clinical Consultant for Unconventional Medical Therapies: Ozzy Simbourne
Clinical Labs
The CEC has five fully-equipped clinical labs, plus one lab that simulates a home environment.
These labs offer low fidelity manikins and supplies to simulate various patient care environments.
Teaching skills include VS, chest tube management, NG tube placement and management, IV placement and management, pump use and care, medication administration, trach care, catheter placement and care, drain care, wound management, lab draws, PICC care and assessment skills.
Simulation Labs
The CEC is proud of its five state-of-the-art simulation labs.
Skills are taught by integrating simulations in a variety of clinical settings using both high-fidelity manikins and standardized patients with topics such as: BG management, respiratory management, mega codes, fetal demise, Alzheimer's care, obstetrical management, delivery and care of the newborn, trauma care, ER nursing, stroke care, abdominal pain assessment, surgical patient assessment, TPA administration, pain management and pediatric arrest care.