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Requesting Alternative Format Textbooks

If you have been approved for Alternative Formatting as an accommodation you will need to follow the steps below to request your alternative format textbooks:

  1. Log into the AIM PORTAL
  2. Select "Alternative Formats" under My Accommodations on the left side of your student overview.
  3. Select "Review Requests" - you must request the use of the accommodation in courses before this will appear. 
  4. Upload Receipt" along the top bar and select the course the receipt is for and next choose the file to upload (if you need help please contact EAS)
    • If you do not see the desired course for your textbook you will need to contact EAS
    • A Reading Material request must then be completed. A receipt is not a request for alternative formats, merely proof of purchase to receive an alternative format request. 
  5. Under "Review Requests," complete the information under "Enter Book or Reading Materials for (Selected Semester)" to request a specific text, please provide as much detail as possible.
    • If you do not see your desired course for your textbook you will need to contact EAS
    • A Reading Material request must be completed for each individual book being requested.
  6. You will receive a notification sent to your CMU email when your book is ready.
  7. You can Download or check on the status of your requested books through the "Alternative Formats" tab in AIM; print formats (e.g. Braille) will be made available for pick up at EAS during office hours.

How to Request Alternative Format Textbooks and Materials in AIM- Quick Guide pdf

  • Please make your alternate book format requests early - we suggest one to two weeks prior to the start of the semester. It is the student's responsibility to provide EAS with the relevant book information and proof of purchase/rental agreement. Production of alternative book formats can only begin when we have all of the required information.

Please contact EAS with any questions or concerns.