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The MBA 3+2 concurrent enrollment program is a very selective program that combines an approved undergraduate program with the MBA program. This program is available in conjunction with a Bachelor of Science in Accounting, Bachelor of Business Administration with a concentration in Finance, or Bachelor of Science in Construction Management. Due to the time frame of the program, applicants can only have one major. The student must graduate in five years with both degrees. Admission into the 3+2 Concurrent Enrollment Program is not an entitlement. Applicants are only accepted to begin in the Fall semester with the application and admissions process starting the preceding Spring semester.

MBA 3+2 Program Admission Process

3+2 MBA applications for fall semester are due on March 1st of the previous spring.  For traditional MBA deadlines, see MBA Admission Instructions.

Step 1

Meet with your advisor

Schedule a meeting

Meet with your academic advisor to discuss the eligibility requirements for the MBA 3+2 program. 

Applicants must have a 3.25 GPA. Applicants must be enrolled in one of the following programs: BS-Public Accounting, BBA-Finance, or BS-Construction Management. For additional details, refer to the 3+2 MBA Application.

Develop course sequence plan

Work with your academic advisor to develop your course sequencing plan.

Step 2


Complete the 3+2 program application

Make sure the application is signed by your academic advisor and the MBA Coordinator.

Download the Application

Step 3

Academic evaluation form

Select an academic evaluator

The academic evaluator will be responsible for completing a recommendation form. Email their name and email address to MBA Liaison Jessa Dearth. She will email the recommendation form to your evaluator.

Email: [email protected]

Download Recommendation Form

Step 4

Personal essay

750 word essay

Indicate your reasons for seeking a Master of Business Administration degree.  Include professional and/or career goals and pertinent past work experience. The minimum length is 750 words, submitted as an MS Word document with 1” margins, 12 pt. font and a cover page that includes the applicant's name and date.

Step 5

Official transcripts

Obtain official transcripts

Visit the CMU Registrar's office to request official transcripts. Transcripts should be sent directly to the MBA office, rather than issued to student.

MBA Office:

Colorado Mesa University
Davis School of Business, Attn: Jessa Dearth, DH301J
1100 North Ave., Grand Junction, CO 81501

or emailed to: [email protected]

Step 6

Submit for consideration

You will be notified of acceptance or denial within 3 weeks of submitting a completed package.

After completing the following items: 

1. Application (signed by student & academic advisor)
2. Selected academic evaluator (name & email address)
3. Personal essay
4. Official transcripts (direct from the Registrar's office to Jessa Dearth)

Submit application packet

Submit to MBA Liaison Jessa Dearth at:

Colorado Mesa University
Davis School of Business, Attn: Jessa Dearth, DH301J
1100 North Ave., Grand Junction, CO 81501

or via email [email protected]