BirdsNest STEM Study/Tutoring Lounge
Located in 323 Escalante Hall, the BirdsNest is the designated TRIO STEM peer study area. Staffed Monday - Friday, a TRIO Peer Coach will be available to assist with STEM subject material, study skills, organization, and personal mentoring. Computers and printing are available, as well as plenty of whiteboard space. Come say hi!
FishBowl Study/Tutoring Lounge
Located in 137 Houston Hall, the FishBowl is the designated TRIO peer study area. Staffed Monday - Friday, a TRIO Peer Coach will be available to assist with subject material, study skills, organization, and personal mentoring. Computers and printing are available, as well as a sink and microwave. Come say hi!
Study Lounge Hours: Unlocked 8am-5pm
Upcoming Events

TRIO Events are also in your TRIO D2L Shell!