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Colorado Mesa University’s spirit soared high as the university community participated in this year’s Spirit of Rowdy Sticker Collection competition — an initiative that calls students to portray the essence of being a Maverick through original sticker artwork. Proceeds from the stickers go into the Rowdy Performers’ Scholarship Fund.

Established by the CMU Mascot Program in 2021, the sticker collection aims to provide students with a creative platform to showcase their interpretation of the Maverick identity using stickers as a canvas. CMU Senior Graphic Artist, Brand Manager and Mascot Program Coordinator Jeremy Smith explained the goal of the sticker collection contest is to reinforce the ethos of a Human Scale University.

“It spotlights the power of individual narratives, underscoring the value placed on every community member at CMU,” said Smith. “The initiative promotes diversity and fosters a collective identity through art.”

The Jury Selection Award was presented to the artist whose design best encapsulated the Maverick spirit. Brenna Langfield, a graphic design junior, won the award, earning a $1,000 scholarship for her sticker design Skiing Rowdy.

“The concept of being a Maverick holds great significance for me — embodying a spirit of adventure and an eagerness to embrace experiences,” said Langfield.

Before coming to CMU, she was a seasoned skier as a part of a skiing family. However, she saw the activity as an obligation rather than as a passion. When she arrived at CMU, something began to shift and she started prioritizing activities based on her own preferences and uncovering a love for skiing.

“I learned a lot about myself after coming to CMU, unveiling facets of my identity,” she said. “Now, I am going to school for something I am passionate about, doing activities because I want to do them and spending nearly every weekend in the mountains. I can’t imagine a better way to spend my college years.”

In addition to the contest, the Mascot Program also organized the Spirit of Rowdy Public Art Show, where attendees cast votes for their favorite sticker designs. The People’s Choice Award was determined based on the popular vote. Caleb Williamson, a mechanical engineering technology student, won the People’s Choice Award for his sticker series, which was crafted with the assistance of artificial intelligence. He received an $800 scholarship.

The Rowdy Sticker Collection initiative is an ongoing project with plans for annual additions to the sticker archive, creating a compelling collection that tells the evolving story of the Maverick community.


Written by Giff Walters and Laura Bradley