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CMUnow on KAFM Community Radio, Episode 14

This episode aired on July 14, 2020

This episode of CMUnow on KAFM features Instructor and Director of the Outdoor Recreation Industry Studies program Sarah Shrader and Western Colorado Community College Technical Instructor of Veterinary Technology Catherine Whitney.

Instructor and Director of the Outdoor Recreation Industry Studies program Sarah Shrader

Sarah Shrader discusses the new Outdoor Recreation Industry Studies program, and why it was an important program to add to CMU's offerings. We also discuss the major public land bill, Great American Outdoors Act, recently passed by the Senate and the implications that has on this new program. 

Western Colorado Community College Technical Instructor of Veterinary Technology Catherine Whitney

We dive into Catherine Whitney's history of working with animals including her time spent in East Africa to help with rabies prevention and small farm enterprises. Whitney discusses local partnerships that have helped launch this new program at WCCC and how it will benefit our community. 

Tune in to KAFM community radio at 88.1 on the second Tuesday of every month from 12-12:30pm to listen to the CMUnow show.

Full transcript of this episode.


Written by Katlin Birdsall

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