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Flexibility Accommodations are evaluated on a case-by-case basis and require prompt communication between the student and faculty member. These processes have been updated as of the Fall 2024 term.
Disability-Related Absences Set Up Process
Step 1: Student is approved for DRA during access meeting, student signs DRA Acknowledgment Form, and is added to AIM. Student will be required to sign the DRA Acknowledgment Form EACH semester.
Step 2: The student must request the accommodation each semester which will automatically schedule the faculty to be notified at the start of the term.
Step 3: The Instructor will initiate a Flex Plan Agreement in the AIM portal for the student's requested course(s) - this may take up to 24 hours to appear for the instructor once requested by the student.
Step 4: EAS will review the Flex Plan Agreement submitted by the instructor to facilitate reasonable flexibility in the course. The student will review the proposed Flex Plan Agreement by going to the AIM Portal and Flex Plan module. The student has two options:
- Accept Flex Plan Agreement as is - "I agree to the statement listed" and "Accept Flex Plan"
- REQUEST a modification to the agreement by making a change and selecting "Update and Request Review"
Step 5a: The Flex Plan Agreement is complete and the student can utilize this accommodation. The student is expected to follow the agreement, communicate with faculty and EAS when using a DRA, and agrees to the natural course consequences if the agreement is broken.
Step 5b: EAS will review the requested modification to the Flex Plan Agreement before submitting to the instructor for review. The request may be DENIED or APPROVED. The final agreement will then be returned to the student for review.
Step 6 (following 5b): The student will "agree to the statement listed" and "Accept the Flex Plan" making the agreement complete.
To use a DRA, the student must email the instructor(s) and EAS. This communication should be completed as soon as the student is safely able. The student should continue to stay in contact with the professor to keep up with missed work per the DRA Flex Plan agreement completed previously.
Students are encouraged to create email templates to make the communication quick and easy. Use the link below for sample language to communicate a DRA need with faculty as well as how to create email templates in Outlook.
Remember - Communication is key. Communicate. Communicate. Communicate.
Flex Turn-In Dates Accommodation Set Up Process
Step 1: Student is approved for Flex Turn-In Date accommodation during access meeting, student signs Extension Dates for Assignments Acknowledgment Form, and is added to AIM. Student will be required to sign the Extension Dates for Assignments Acknowledgment Form EACH semester.
Step 2: The student must request the accommodation each semester which will automatically schedule the faculty to be notified at the start of the term.
Step 3: The Instructor will initiate a Flex Plan Agreement in the AIM portal for the student's requested course(s) - this may take up to 24 hours to appear for the instructor once requested by the student.
Step 4: EAS will review the Flex Plan Agreement submitted by the instructor to facilitate reasonable flexibility in the course. The student will review the proposed Flex Plan Agreement by going to the AIM Portal and Flex Plan module. The student has two options:
- Accept Flex Plan Agreement as is - "I agree to the statement listed" and "Accept Flex Plan"
- REQUEST a modification to the agreement by making a change and selecting "Update and Request Review"
Step 5a: The Flex Plan Agreement is complete and the student can utilize this accommodation. The student is expected to follow the agreement, communicate with faculty when needing an assignment extension, and agrees to the natural course consequences if the agreement is broken.
Step 5b: EAS will review the requested modification to the Flex Plan Agreement before submitting to the instructor for review. The request may be DENIED or APPROVED. The final agreement will then be returned to the student for review.
Step 6 (following 5b): The student will "agree to the statement listed" and "Accept the Flex Plan" making the agreement complete.
To use an extension date for an eligible assignment, the student must email the instructor(s) before the due date or when safely able. The student is expected to follow the Flex Plan agreement for what assignments are eligible for extensions and how long the student has to turn in the work.
Students should include the following details in email communication regarding assignment extension dates:
- Course Information
- Specific Assignment
- Clear submission details (how student will turn in)
- Clear deadline details (when it will be turned in)
Things to Remember:
Course flexibility is limited. Flexibility CAN NOT cause a fundamental alteration to the course learning.
Communication with faculty is required.
Accommodated students are expected to meet the same standards as peers and complete all course work.
Natural course consequences may occur if students go beyond Flex Plan agreements. e.g. zero for an assignment, zero for participation points, no alternative testing date, etc.