Students complete an Art History core of 300-level coursework that provides a broad background in historic and contemporary art, with additional upper-level courses in the student's areas of interest. A Studio Art and Design introduction provides experience with art and design materials and processes. In this degree program, students acquire practical, professional, and academic skills needed to work in the art world.
Students can supplement their coursework with internships and work-study at CMU's downtown art gallery or other galleries and museums.
Instructor of Art History. Jill Holaday

Jill Holaday received her PhD from the University of Iowa with a specialization in Modern and Contemporary Art, and minors in Japanese Art and 19th Century French Art. She received her Master’s in Art History from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and her BA in Mass Communications from the University of Evansville. She considers herself a “wide-ranging enthusiast,” and is invested in art from different historical times and from different geographic regions.
Her research centers on issues of trauma, war, and memory, specifically on the artists in Group Zero in Germany. She is contributing a chapter, “Trauma to Transcendence,” to the upcoming volume, How to Make the Body. Her current work is grappling with how art changes meaning in different contexts, such as historic time and place.
Interested in becoming an Art History major? Reach out to Jill for details. [email protected]
ARTH 196 Topics
Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 15 credit hours.
ARTH 220 History of Modern Art
General survey of Western and non-Western art from 1850 to the 21st Century, with an emphasis on modern and contemporary art. This is a survey on the major movements and civilizations, methods of analysis, historical and cultural context.
ARTH 296 Topics
Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 15 credit hours.
ARTH 315 Nineteenth-Century Art
Comprehensive survey of the major art movements of the nineteenth century: Neoclassicism, Romanticism, Academic Art, the invention of photography, Realism, Impressionism, Post-Impressionism, Symbolism, and Art Nouveau.
ARTH 316 20th Century Art to 1950
Foundations of modernism from Post-Impressionism through Surrealism through the study of major artists and art works and related manifestations including important theories of modern art, the modernist transformation of design aesthetics, and social and political reactions to modern art.
ARTH 317 American Art History
Examination of art and artists of America from colonial times up to the present with attention to the role of the artist and the visual arts in American social experiment.
ARTH 318 Development of Contemporary Art
Examination of art produced within the past 40 years with attention to the plurality of successful styles and subjects pursued by artists, the increasingly important role of the art critic and the contemporary art museum in interpreting trends, the impact of the commercial art market on the production and dissemination of contemporary art, and various experimental art forms developed by artists to counteract the influence of critics, institutions and commercial interests.
ARTH 319 Art of the American West
Examination of the artist's encounter with the West as both real and imagined experience from the works of expeditionary artists of the early 19th century to recent large scale "earthworks" that transform the Western landscape. Emphasis on the works of the major 19th century protagonists of the heroic Western image as well as the important role of Santa Fe and other Western locations in the development of a Western art tradition.
ARTH 321 Gothic and Northern Renaissance Art and Architecture
Architectural accomplishments of Gothic style and the revival and development of painting and sculpture from the Gothic period through the Renaissance in the North. Includes invention of oil painting, growth of realism and direct observation of the real world in art, and effects of the Protestant Reformation on artistic styles and content.
ARTH 322 Expressionism in 20th Century Art
Expressionism in Germany during the early 20th century and its recurrence in the latter half of the 20th century. Visual language of expressionism as a distinctive style and the artistic goals of Expressionism that define a specific role for the artist in society.
ARTH 323 History of Modern Architecture
Modern architecture as a form of applied artistic expression. Examination of major stylistic developments in architecture and applied design from 19th century historically-inspired styles through 20th century innovations that transformed traditions of architectural design and the role of the architect in modern society.
ARTH 324 History of Graphic Design
Exploration of the history of graphic design from the advent of writing through the digital revolution, focusing on development of design techniques and styles.
ARTH 325 Italian Renaissance Art History
Explores origins, development, and end of Italian Renaissance. Late thirteenth to mid-sixteenth century. Emphasis on major works of sculpture, painting, architecture, and the artists responsible for their creation.
ARTH 326 Medieval Art: Early Christian to the Romanesque
Explorations of Christian art through time and geographic regions. Emphasizes major works including sculpture, manuscripts, and architecture as well as the forces which shaped their creation and determined their meaning and significance.
ARTH 327 History of Western Architecture
Explores beginnings of architecture in prehistory and traces development through time and geographic regions through the end of the Italian Renaissance. Emphasizes major works of architecture with discussions of form, function, and relation to other works of architecture.
ARTH 331 History of the Moving Image
Exploration of the history of the moving image from the pre-industrial era through the contemporary and digital era, focusing on the history of both technological and artistic development, and the moving image in its varied types.
ARTH 395 Independent Study
Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 6 credit hours.
ARTH 396 Topics
Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 15 credit hours.
ARTH 400 Criticism and Research: Theory and Method
Introduction to the development of art history as a discipline and how art historians evaluate and interpret complex issues of style, form, content, and theory in visual art. Structured discussion of historical art works studied in other upper division art history courses. Readings of seminal art historical theories and interpretive methodologies. Hands-on practice with library research tools. Completion of a fully researched term paper.
ARTH 495 Independent Study
Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 6 credit hours.
ARTH 496 Topics
Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 15 credit hours.
ARTH 499 Internship
Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 15 credit hours.
The Colorado Mesa University Art Gallery is located in downtown Grand Junction at 437 Colorado Avenue. The gallery has multiple exhibitions every year as well as studio space for classroom instruction and artist presentations. The gallery is open Monday-Saturday from 12-5PM. The gallery participates in the monthly First Friday art openings with receptions from 5-8PM. Gallery admission is free and all receptions and artist events are free and open to the public. Come to the CMU Art Gallery and support the arts!
For more information about working as a gallery attendant or participating in the 437CO CMU gallery committee please contact Professor KyoungHwa Oh, [email protected].

CMU 437CO Art Gallery

CMU 437CO Art Gallery

Denver Art Museum, Truth of Nature: Claude Monet