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Master of Social Work Mission

The mission of Colorado Mesa University, Master of Social Work program is to advance competent, ethical, and research informed master’s level social workers who engage in critical thinking, analysis, and advocacy.  The advanced generalist social work program will promote social, racial, economic, and environmental justice while strengthening individual, family, and community well-being.  Social Workers will understand diversity, engage in humility, and promote social good across a local, national, and global context.

Master of Social Work Program Goals

Through experiential learning, in the pursuit of social, racial, economic, and environmental justice, the goals of the Advanced Generalist MSW program are to prepare graduates who will:

  1. Utilize advanced social work skills to engage in ethical, autonomous, and multi-disciplinary practice across system levels utilizing an ecological perspective. (Specialized Knowledge, Ethical Reasoning)
  2. Utilize therapeutic approaches and clinical skills to advance social, economic, and environmental justice, promote human rights, and engage in social action to eliminate oppressive conditions. (Applied Learning, Information Literacy)
  3. Utilize the NASW code of ethics to become leaders that value and appreciates human relationships, dignity and worth of others, and engages in diversity to advocate for inclusive practices, cultural humility, anti-racist practices, and develop structural competence. (Specialized Knowledge, Communication Fluency, Critical Thinking, Ethical Reasoning)
  4. Engage in life-long learning, use scientific inquiry, and apply critical thinking to inform practice at all system levels. (Quantitative Fluency, Critical Thinking)
  5. Critically apply relevant theories and social work values to engage, assess, intervene, and evaluate practice within changing contexts at all systems levels. (Specialized Knowledge/Applied Learning, Quantitative Fluency, Communication Fluency, Critical Thinking, Information Literacy, Ethical Reasoning)

Master of Social Work Student Learning Objectives

The Council of Social Work Education (CSWE) adopted a competency-based framework for social work education in the United States. The curricula for the CMU MSW program are based on the nine competency-centered learning outcomes and are designed to build capacity for student achievement.

  1. Demonstrate ethical and professional behavior
  2. Advance Human Rights and Social, Racial, Economic, and Environmental Justice
  3. Engage in Anti-Racism, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Practice
  4. Engage in Practice Informed Research and Research informed Practice
  5. Engage in Policy Practice
  6. Engage with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
  7. Assess with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
  8. Intervene with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
  9. Evaluate with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities


MSW Program Assessment Outcomes

2024 CSWE Reporting of Assessment Outcomes