What is an abstract?
An abstract highlights major points of a project's content, and also generally includes the following information:
- the work's importance and purpose,
- the methods used,
- and any key results or conclusions.
It provides sufficient information for a reader to decide if she or he is interested in learning more about the project.
Successful abstracts may answer some of the following questions:
- What question is the project attempting to answer?
- What was the motivation to work on this project?
- What background information does a reader need to fully understand the work?
- What points best summarize the research, demonstration, exhibit or performance?
- What results, conclusions, or final product will the presenter share?
- What are the larger implications or significance of the project?
- Who is the intended audience for the project?
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Key Points to Remember
Here are the top takeaways for writing a great abstract:-
Review the abstract guidelines
There is an entire page on this website dedicated to helping you write a great abstract– use it!
Limit the use of highly technical language
Student Showcase is open to the entire campus and general public, so do not assume that the audience is as familiar with your topic as you are. Use language that is easy to understand to keep the audience engaged.
Use 200 words or less
Write it yourself!
The abstract should be written by you or in collaboration with your co-presenters. Your mentor will not write the abstract for you, but they should help guide you through the process and answer questions on what to include for a specific discipline.
Proofread (multiple times)
As your Student Showcase abstract will be published and distributed on campus, it is important that you carefully check it for correct spelling and grammar.
Obtain approval from your faculty mentor
Your mentor must review, proof, and approve your abstract before you submit it.