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Semester Withdrawal - Refund Rates

The refund rates below ONLY apply when a student withdraws from ALL courses.  The Semester Withdraw Form must be submitted to the Registrar's Office. The submission date determines rates below.



100% Refund

Owe $225 Partial

Tuition Assessment

No Refund

First Module

August 18 - October 9

Drop by August 19
August 20 - August 25 by 5:00 p.m.
After August 25

Full Semester

August 18 - December 11

Drop by August 19

August 20 - September 2 by 5:00 p.m.

After September 2

Late Start

September 8 - December 11

Drop by September 9
September 10 - 18 by 5:00 p.m.
After September 18

Second Module

October 13 - December 11

Drop by October 14
October 15 - 20 by 5:00 p.m.
After October 20

Variable Length

Drop by

first day of class

Second day of class -

Up to 15% of class

After 15% of class has elapsed.


Semester Withdraw Form 

If a student is signed up for classes with different start dates:

  • Scenario #1:  100% refund of tuition/fees

All classes are dropped by their corresponding 100% refund date.  If financial aid was disbursed, all awarded money must be returned to CMU. Contact Financial Aid for more details.

  • Scenario #2:  $225 Partial Tuition Assessment

All classes are dropped. At least one dropped class fell in the $225 Partial Tuition Assessment time range. All others were dropped by the 100% refund date. If financial aid was disbursed, your aid will be recalculated through your drop/withdraw date. It is likely that loans and other awards will need to be returned to CMU. Contact Financial Aid for more details.

  • Scenario #3:  Student owes tuition/fees for one or more classes

At least one class had started and was withdrawn in the "No Refund" time frame for the session. The student owes tuition/fees for the classes in the "No Refund" time frame. If financial aid was disbursed, your aid will be recalculated through your drop/withdraw date. Loans and other awards may need to be returned to CMU. Contact Financial Aid for more details.


 - No grades will appear on the transcript if you submit the Total Withdraw form by the drop deadline.

 - A grade of "W" will appear on the transcript if you submit the Total Withdraw form by the withdraw deadline.

 - A grade of "F" will appear on the transcript if you submit the Total Withdraw form after the withdraw deadline.

See the Add/Drop/Withdraw Deadlines page dates/information on adding, dropping, and withdrawing.

Partial Withdrawal

If a student leaves at least one class in the schedule, tuition is adjusted to reflect the courses left in the schedule plus the cost of classes that were "withdrawn" in the "No Refund" time frame. A total withdraw is not necessary, but the student may need to use the Change of Schedule/Special Permission form if the drop deadline has passed. The student may adjust their schedule via MAVzone, through the Registrar's Office, CMU Tech Student Services, or Montrose Student Services.  See the Add/Drop/Withdraw Deadlines page dates/information on adding, dropping, and withdrawing.

Alternate Paper Form

Students should use the Semester Withdraw E-Form whenever possible. If there are technical difficulties, a student may print out and sign the Semester Withdraw Paper Form, then scan and email it to [email protected] from their CMU email account.