Yes. If you want to park your car on campus, you are required to have a permit, with the exception of the Pay-to-Park Lots.
Parking permits can be purchased online by going to
View our online campus parking map. A physical copy of our campus map showing the correct lot for each type of permit can be obtained at the UC info desk or the parking office.
It does not matter if the car was there for only a few minutes. A vehicle without a permit is considered illegally parked no matter how long it has been parked. Obtain parking information only from Parking Services.
Tickets can be paid online at
Daily visitor passes can be purchased online at for $7 each.
Online permits may be paid with a credit/debit card or billed to your student/employee account at the time it is ordered. If it is billed to your account, the permit can be paid like any other charge with cash, check, or a credit/debit card at the Student Accounts desk located in Lowell Heiny Hall. Many loans, scholarships and other financial aid may also be used to pay for your permit.
Parking Services designates parking lots for residence hall students, commuter students, and faculty and staff. Permits are designated for each parking lot for organizational and enforcement purposes.
Residence hall parking lots are used virtually 24 hours a day during the school year. The wear and tear on a residence hall lot is more excessive than on a lot with a different permit designation because they require more overall maintenance.
You can add new vehicle or update plate information to your permit through your parking account on
Persons who accumulate five or more parking violation notices or more than $100 dollars in unpaid fines will be subject to the vehicle being fit with a boot.
You run the risk of having a financial stop put on your student account. This may impact your ability to register for classes, obtain grades and transcripts, or even to graduate. Unpaid tickets left on student accounts will eventually be forwarded to a collection agency. If not a current CMU student, unpaid parking citations will be sent to a collection agency. This may affect the credit rating of the vehicle's registered owner. In addition, individuals with outstanding citations may be subject to booting and/or towing while parked anywhere on Colorado Mesa University owned property.