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The official hub for news and stories from Colorado Mesa University
Boreal Toads and Faith-Based Campus Club

This episode aired on December 8, 2020

Remarkable accomplishments are happening every day on the Colorado Mesa University and Western Colorado Community College campuses— from faculty instruction and research, to student projects and community involvement. CMUnow is a monthly segment of the KAFM Community Affairs hour, where we interview faculty, athletic coaches and students to keep you up to date on all things CMU and WCCC.

First guest Assistant Professor of Biology Denita Weeks, PhD, discusses her research with amphibians, specifically boreal toads. She highlights the implications of her research on local recreation areas and the impact hands-on research has on CMU students. Second guest Collegiate Representative for CMU Fellowship of Christian Athletes Jamie Robertson speaks about her journey to CMU and her faith, and how this organization has helped students through the pandemic and in turn the community.

Tune in to KAFM community radio at 88.1 on the second Tuesday of every month from 12-12:30pm to listen to the CMUnow show.


Written by Staff

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