The Master of Science in Athletic Training program was established in Fall 2019. The program is a two-year, 6 semester master’s degree, delivered via traditional, online, and hybrid formats. The degree employs course content that focuses on the competencies needed to practice both the art and science of athletic training, leading to compassionate and exceptional care to meet the regional needs of western Colorado and beyond. In alignment with the mission of the Department of Kinesiology, the program emphasizes promoting wellness and physical activity across a diverse population of patients. Students will learn the importance of self-care and fostering resilience and wellness in themselves, in order to extend better care to others.
There are two types of applicants for the MSAT program. The first type is the Traditional MSAT applicant who has earned an undergraduate degree. The second type of applicant has not yet earned their undergraduate degree and is currently enrolled at CMU and may qualify to pursue the MSAT as part of a Bachelor degree 3+2 MSAT concurrent enrollment program.
Throughout the program students will work on a capstone research project. Topics will vary from student to student but will focus on an athletic training topic that they are particularly interested in. By the end of the second year, students will have completed a PICO assignment and presented it at CMU’s student showcase, written a publishable research document and presented their complete project on campus during finals week.
Additionally, over the course of the two years enrolled, students will complete a number of clinical rotations, including immersion experiences during year 2.
- Year 1: 16 - 24 hours/week in a clinical assignment in the Grand Junction area.
- Year 2: 35 – 50 hours/week with an immersion experience at a clinical site in locations ranging from Hawaii to Missouri and beyond.
Throughout the first year, students will take their courses in the classroom at Colorado Mesa University and will complete their clinical experiences with local Athletic Trainers. During the second year, courses will be delivered in online and hybrid formats allowing students to immerse themselves in the clinical experience. They will work with the Coordinator of Clinical Education to determine their clinical site(s) for the second year.
Athletic Training Student Handbook (2022)- Last updated: 09/2022
Athletic Training Capstone Guidelines- Last Updated: 9/2022