Brent Alumbaugh, MS

Office: MC117
MS: Exercise Physiology, University of New Mexico
BS: Exercise Science Mesa State College
Mr. Alumbaugh is an instructor for the Department of Kinesiology and the Director of the Monfort Family Human Performance Laboratory. He first attended Iowa State University and eventually took his bachelor's degree in exercise science from Mesa State College. After taking his bachelor's degree, Mr. Alumbaugh attended the University of New Mexico as a graduate assistant in the Department of Education, where he ultimately took his Master of Science degree in Physical Education. Mr. Alumbaugh believes in practicing what he teaches and spends his free time in the great outdoors mountain biking, running, and skiing.
Gannon A. White, PhD

Office: MC115g
PhD: Exercise Science, University of Northern Colorado
BGS: Bachelors of General Studies, Lamar University
AS: Associates of Science in Computer Science, Allen Community College
Dr. Gannon A. White completed his PhD in Exercise Science with an emphasis in Biomechanics from the University of Northern Colorado. While at UNC, Dr. White minored in Applied Statistics. He went on to teach Exercise Science and Statistics at the University of Arkansas for 9 years. He was also the graduate coordinator of the Exercise Science Program at the University of Arkansas. His research interests include EMG, economy of motion, or anything that is uniquely quanitifiable.When he is not busy teaching, Dr. White enjoys distance running, whitewater kayaking, rock climbing, chess, one wheeling, and slacklining.
Bachman Nate, PhD
Office: MC115
PhD Human Bioenergenetics, Colorado State University
MS Health and Exercise Science, Colorado State University
BS Exercise Science, Colorado Mesa University
Nate Bachman, PhD is an instructor in the Department of Kinesiology. His teaching includes Physiology of Exercise, Clinical Exercise Physiology and Advanced Exercise Prescription, and Sport Nutrition. Nate’s primary career interest is to promote high-quality educational experiences for students in and out of the classroom.
Heumann Kristin, PhD

Office: MC115h
BA Physical Education, Northwestern Community College
MS Exercise and Wellness, Arizona State University
PhD Physical activity, heallth and fitness, Arizona State University
Kirstin Heumann has taught Zumba, Foundations of Kinesiology, Health and Fitness Assessment, Physiology of Exercise, Anatomical Kinesiology, Advanced Strength and Conditioning, Worksite Health Promotion, Physical Activity and Aging and oversees student internships. She currently serves as the Assistant Academic Department Head for the Department of Kinesiology. In this role, she oversees Exercise Science, Fitness & Health Promotion, and Outdoor Recreation Industry Studies programs, the Health & Wellness course, as well as all activity courses. Heumann is the Education Recognition Program Director of the Strength and Conditioning and Personal Training programs for the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA). She is the Colorado State Director and serves on the National Women's Committee for the NSCA.