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Attending professional meetings such as GSA, AGU, and IMAGE are strongly encouraged by the CMU Geosciences Program and while we realize that these meetings are difficult to attend during the course of the academic year, we think that they can be hugely beneficial to the professional development of our students. Above are several “testimonials” about the GSA meeting from several of our geosciences students that we hope will help motivate future geosciences students to attend such meetings.

Dr. Javier Tellez attended the Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE) Conference on August 26-29, 2024 in Houston, Texas, with students Michael Longworth and Liam Posovich. They presented their research on reservoir modeling and geothermal energy. The conference allowed them to connect with industry experts and gain valuable insights for their work.

The CMU Geosciences Program was well represented at the annual Geological Society of America meeting (GSA Connects 2024) on September 22 - 25, 2024, in Anaheim, California. Six geosciences students attended the meeting. All students were involved as presenting authors on three different poster presentations. Mentoring faculty and GSA attendees also included CMU Geosciences faculty Dr’s. Andres Aslan, Greg Baker, and Verner Johnson. 

In addition to the student research presentations, our students attended numerous talks and poster presentations, short courses and career-related meetings as well as learned about graduate school opportunities.