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Courses offered:

Colorado Mesa University incorporates belonging-related courses within our academic curriculum. Find these courses and programs in our online course catalog.


  • Introduction to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies - SOCI 101


  • Race and Ethnic Relations- SOCO 325
  • Indigenous Cultures of North America - ANTH 341
  • Indigenous Politics- POLS 356
  • Topics: East Asian Art History - ARTH 396
  • International Cuisine - CUAR 245
  • Cultural and Ethical Issues in Addictions Treatment - ADAP 350
  • Multicultural Service Learning - PSYP 322


Varying Abilities

  • Learner Development and Individual Differences - ECSE 320
  • Exceptionalities in Early Education - EDEC 250
  • Methods of Teaching Students with Mild Disabilities Reading and Math - EDSE 503
  • Exceptional and English Language Learners in the Inclusive Classroom - EDUC 374

General Belonging:

  • Teaching to Diversity - EDUC 343
  • Social Work for Diverse Populations - SOWK 210
  • Social Inequality - SOCO 316