My name is Emma Early and I am the new TRIO Advisor for CMU! To start, I would like to express my
appreciation and excitement for the opportunity to join the CMU community and join the Mavily. I
look forward to working together to help make the experience for students at CMU great and
support one another in success!
To start, a little history about me and where I’m coming from. I was born and raised in Grand
Junction and graduated from Grand Junction High School. I went onto graduate Colorado State
University with my Bachelor of Social Work in 2013 and Master of Social Work in 2014.
I currently hold a Colorado License in Clinical Social Work. Most recently, I held a Social Work
position at HopeWest Hospice where my role was to support and counsel patients and families
utilizing hospice services through the progression of terminal illness, anticipatory grief, and
connecting to community supports. Through this role, I also provided education and professional
support to our clinical Social Work team. My interface with CMU in this role was through site
supervision for Social Work master level internships and practice education. I also have experience
working as a therapist in residential youth services, serving children in their home and school
environments, and case managing individuals with traumatic brain injuries.
I live in Grand Junction with my husband, Lincoln, Son, Graham, Daughter, Scarlett, and two
fur babies Gus (Golden Doodle) and Theo (Cocker Spaniel mix). I enjoy spending time with
family, going on walks, watching movies, dance parties, cooking, crafting, traveling, indoor cycling,
and taking care of our home. We all look forward to being more engaged in the CMU community and
attending sporting events this Winter and Spring.
I am currently in located in the TRIO office (#454), soaking up all there is to learn and getting to know
my fellow Mavs! Please feel free to stop by to introduce yourself and chat!
With love,