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CMU Department of Literature, Languages and Mass Communication presents national journalist

Rachel Wegner extends department’s series of community guest speakers

Rachel Wegner is no stranger to the changing landscape of media. She is pioneering some of the new and emerging skills necessary to write and create stories that meet the technological needs of the times while also serving the public. Wegner creates, edits and optimizes content for the USA TODAY network including network sites throughout the southern region of the United States. Her work is communicated on a national platform and her experience is valuable to CMU students. 

“Rachel’s work spans the topics of education, politics, community and immigration policy,” said Department Head and CMU Professor of English Barry Laga. “She will speak on campus about illegal immigration narratives used today, and how those narratives affect people. All community members are invited to join this important dialogue.” 

Wegner published an article called Hanging in the Balance: the Uncertain Future of Dreamers on the Missourian website and brings people and their stories to light in what is often an abstract conversation in the United States. 

Her work on the issue of immigration has also been published on platforms through the USA TODAY network including the Tennessean where video and traditional writing converges to enhance the consumers’ experience with important narratives. 

Wegner will support student learning by exploring how to combine mediums and platforms to enhance storytelling and communication skills. She will lead a public discussion for the community on Friday, February 7, 2020 at 11am in Escalante Hall, room 125. In addition to a community lecture, Wegner will also teach and lecture for a class on emerging media. 

Community members interested in supporting the department of Literature, Language and Mass Communications in bringing future speakers and programing to western Colorado should contact Angela Kimmel. 

The Dreamer is a video produced by Wegner.



Written by David Ludlam

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