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Colorado Mesa University Jazz Ensemble: Bodhisattva - Fred Sturm

Jazz Ensemble

Students enjoy playing a variety of styles during numerous performances throughout the year in the CMU Jazz Ensemble. From big-band era swing to bop to contemporary styles, including rock/funk, ECM, Cuban, and Brazilian music, the group strives to present stimulating and diverse programs for its audiences. The ensemble generally performs two on-campus concerts per semester in addition to several outreach performances throughout the year

at regional high schools, community venues, and jazz festivals. Placement in the ensemble is by audition only at the beginning of each academic year, and is open to both music majors and non-majors.

Jazz Ensemble Audition Materials: coming soon

Jazz Combos

In the CMU Jazz Combos, students have the opportunity to develop all facets of jazz music-making. Students frequently perform at venues both on and off campus. Combo members also compose and arrange their own music, much of which is performed in concert. Students receive instruction in jazz composition and small-group arranging, and have the opportunity to rehearse and modify their pieces in a workshop setting. Music majors as well as non-majors are welcome to participate in combos with permission of the instructor.

Commercial Ensemble

The CMU Commercial Ensemble serves as the primary training ensemble for students majoring in commercial guitar, bass, keys, drumset and voice and provides diverse musical experiences for all music majors and non-major participants. The ensemble plays at venues throughout the community and is featured on the CMU at Warehouse 2565 performance series. Students take an active role in the ensemble by composing and arranging music, booking gigs, and producing concerts. Repertoire is chosen from many different contemporary music genres.