Hours of Operation
Mondays - Friday
Welcome to the Mavily!
Getting a MAVcard is required for all CMU students. You can make your arrival at CMU much smoother by completing the MAVcard application process online.
In the app, select Main Campus/WCCC for your "Group Affiliation," or "Montrose" if you are attending at the Montrose campus.
Follow the prompts to upload an appropriate MAVcard photo, and a picture of your license or other Government ID.
The MAVcard eform will pop up after you submit your photos and signature. Please select the appropriate options and click Submit at the bottom.
Once you complete these steps successfully, we will print your MAVcard and have it waiting for you. When you arrive on campus, come to the Information Desk on the first floor of the University Center to pick up your preprinted MAVcard. (Montrose students should review the Montrose page for MAVcard information.) Please feel free to reach out to us directly if you have questions at 970.248.1059.
The Colorado Mesa University MAVcard is the official student ID at Colorado Mesa University. CMU degree seeking students, concurrent, fast-track, faculty, and staff are eligible to receive an official CMU campus ID card. Students need to be registered for classes in the current semester and present valid government issued photo identification in order to be eligible for a MAVcard. Faculty and Staff must present an official University check-in sheet and valid government issued photo identification to be issued a card.
Accepted types of identification include government issued passports, driver's license, state identification cards or a military ID. MAVcards will not be issued without proper identification and validation of the student being registered for classes (registration exceptions are made only during New Student Orientations).
The MAVcard has many purposes and allows students, faculty, and staff access to the:
Recreation Center
Campus Dining Outlets with meal plans
Payment convenience at several campus departments using FLEX money
CMU Athletic events
Pre-approved after hours building access
Residence Hall entrance
You can make your deposit for your CMU MAVcard FLEX money, MAVmoney, and purchase MAV Plans online if you are a CMU Student, Staff, or Faculty. If you are a parent, guardian, or family member of a CMU Student, you may make the purchase for your student by clicking here.