First click the trash can icon next to the course you would like to drop.
Next click 'Continue to Registration' at the bottom of the page to begin dropping the course.
Now, your current schedule will appear and next to the course you are dropping you will see the words 'Web Drop Course' in the options column.
Click 'Submit Action' to drop the course.
Now 'Deleted' will appear in the results column and this course has been successfully dropped.
Click 'Return to Select Courses' to go back to your schedule and the course you dropped will no longer appear.
First, un-pin the course from your schedule by click the course you'd like to swap. The pin should disappear.
Next, page through until you find the section you are wanting to swap and click 'Continue to Registration'.
The course will appear with the options to "web drop" your originally registered course and web register for the course you have just selected.
When adding a class with a lab, be sure to click both the class and the lab before clicking 'Continue to Registration'.
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