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The CMU Foundation administers over $4,000,000 in private scholarships to over 1,500 CMU students each year. 

The scholarship application opens October 1 the year prior and and will be accepted through the priority deadline of February 12th. Any applications submitted after this date may be considered for later opportunities.

You can find answers to frequently asked questions about CMU Foundation scholarships here
Step 1


  1. Fill out the application

    You can find the application in MAVzone Apps > Scholarship Application or by clicking here.

  2. Essay

    The essay is one of the most important parts of your application and gives the scholarship committee a sense of who you are. Be sure to ask someone to review your essay for clarity, spelling, and punctuation.

  3. Submit the application

    You will be automatically considered for any scholarship whose eligibility requirements you match.

Step 2

Other Recommended Opportunities

Once you have submitted your scholarship application, you will be prompted to view "Other Recommended Opportunities." These are scholarships in which you meet the requirements, but they may require additional questions to be answered or additional essays to be written in order to apply. 

Step 3

Email notifications

Once you have finished your application, keep an eye on your CMU student email account as scholarship recipients will be notified by email. The notification email will also provide information on any additional steps that may need to be taken by the recipient.
Financial Aid & Resources Scholarships

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