Lalita Heinemann began her teaching career in Chicago, Illinois in 2002. She has taught middle school, high school and college mathematics. Teaching is her passion and when she is not teaching, she misses the classroom and students. Helping students overcome their fear of mathematics and watching them succeed is everything to her. Heinemann hopes to continue this journey with her students for many years to come. The Grand Valley is a beautiful place to live and in her spare time she loves getting outdoors with her husband and two girls. She is a committed CrossFit enthusiast and works out daily at 6am. She strives to be a healthy, strong role model for my kids.
Heinemann teaches many students who are at the beginning level in mathematics. Many students struggle with the basics in mathematics, her strategy is to motivate students beginning day one by communicating with them in a way that allows students to feel comfortable. Mathematics can be very intimidating to students but if students feel connected to their instructor, they want to learn. She am a cheerleader for her students and is very passionate about teaching mathematics, as shown in every lesson. Heinemann believes in the students and ultimately, they end up believing in their ability to successfully do mathematics.